A starting point, exhalation


Thursday, March 20


Free (RSVP)


The Blue Room Theatre

53 James St Mall, Perth WA 6000

Whadjuk Noongar boodja


The Blue Room Theatre is a wheelchair accessible space. The workshops are held in the upstairs theatre, which is accessible via lift. Accessible, all-gender bathrooms are located on the ground floor. The theatre will be warmly lit and spacious. The theatre may be air conditioned, and doors can be left open for improved ventilation, but the room has no windows. Chairs will be provided for seating. We will set up a quiet table in the bar space outside the theatre (the bar will not be in operation).

Participants can engage in the workshop with their own practice and capacity, and will be invited to explore their own practice through Dan's prompts.


This workshop looks to seed improvised artistic practice with a single breath. Dan O'Connor will lead you through a number of simple exercises towards effortless sound production and movement, attentive listening, and the extrusion of artistic expression from the kinaesthetic awareness of the breath.

This workshop can be attended by anyone regardless of artistic experience or discipline. Bring a tool that you use for your practice if relevant (i.e. your instrument, pen and paper, etc.).

Part of Audible Edge: Gym with Congregation of a different kind

Rioting against ways of teaching art and music which put brain over body, we invite you to partake in a day of collective embodied play for makers of all kinds. This features workshops from three local practitioners sharing how their body remains a grounded point of connection to their practice, and their well-being as artists. While ‘gym’ can be a scary word (and place) for many of us, we’re hoping to build our own positive associations with the word, creating a space to tune into our bodies without the internal and external criticism that’s all too often the dominant voice in these spaces.

This session is co-presented with STRUT Dance and The Blue Room Theatre.