Girly Hour
Boudoir to be revealed
In central Walyalup/Fremantle - to be announced closer to the date.
Whadjuk Noongar boodja

Accessibility information to be announced.
Girly Hour
A kind of experimental kick-ons and pres in one, we invite keen beans and freaks to join us in the boudoir for something special and strange.
Experimental wind player Solomon Frank and comedian Rose KB invite you to a late night immersive experimental music/live GRWM* video combining elements of foley, electroacoustic sound, movement and girly preening. Building upon their past collaborations as part of Queer Woodchop (MONA FOMA 2023) and Forever Bistro (Natty Waves 2023), the two performers are building on their united love of the silly and the sacred by creating a performance on the eternal task of getting ready. They aim to pay homage to Fluxus in the TikTok attention economy. The performance follows week of creative development supported by the Audible Edge Seed Fund, with a focus on blending their artforms and co-constructing a shared physical and sonic lore that blurs the line between nonsense and the profound.
*GRWM stands for Get Ready With Me — we didn’t know either.
Donate to support this project via the Audible Edge Seed Fund.