Program Launch
Astral Weeks
Shop 12/60/66 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6003
Whadjuk Noongar boodja

Astral Weeks is wheelchair accessible at street level, and has a gender-neutral accessible bathroom. It is a small, acoustically treated space. It's a small bar which serves alcohol. It is likely to feel crowded on the night. The music will have a wide dynamic range, including loud and stimulating sections and moments of extreme quiet. The room is indoors and air-conditioned and windows are kept closed, meaning ventilation is limited. Lighting will be low and warm. There will not be a dedicated check-out or quiet space in the venue due to limited space. Free earplugs and N95 masks are available.
Program walkthrough
James Bradbury & Dan O'Connor
Audible Edge, Tone List’s annual international festival of exploratory music, is back in April.
Be the first to see the line up at our launch party at Astral Weeks on February 26. Audible Edge curators Annika Moses & Josten Myburgh will help you wander into the strange and silly swamp that is the 2025 program, aided by some bonkers local sets.
Celebrating nine years well Tone Listed, founding member Dan O’Connor plays with recent Berlin returnee James Bradbury on their first duo collaboration since 2017’s release Biomimicry” James’ time away has seen him designing step sequencers for Rian Treanor and Mark Fell, building tools for algorithmic sampling, and working under the hood of Ableton. His first performance back in Boorloo will see him improvising on synthesizer. Dan joins this with his rarely-outed, decisive approach to the trumpet, building incredible atmospheres from microscopic sounds.
Local DJ Salty (of Volim fame) facilitates a lovely atmosphere before and after the live set with choice sounds.
The event is free, but we encourage generous donations to the Audible Edge Seed Fund, and/or pre-purchasing of your festival passes.