Dance Dance Intifada

The Blue Room Theatre is a wheelchair accessible space. The workshops are held in the upstairs theatre, which is accessible via lift. Accessible, all-gender bathrooms are located on the ground floor. The theatre will be warmly lit and spacious. The theatre may be air conditioned, and doors can be left open for improved ventilation, but the room has no windows. Chairs will be provided for seating. We will set up a quiet table in the bar space outside the theatre (the bar will not be in operation).
The workshop can be attended online: a video call link will be sent prior to the workshop to those who have registered.
The Audible Edge Festival has a dedicated accessibility budget. Please be in touch if you'd like to use this to help experience this event fully.
The teashop from Burma: a community cultural space, with Yoe
Dance Dance Intifada, with Feras Shaheen
Tone List, in partnership with The Blue Room Theatre and STRUT Dance, are proud to present a workshop by Feras Shaheen ahead of a forthcoming project in Boorloo in May. He'll be visiting via video call. Participants are welcomed to move - so wear comfy clothes.
Many music and dance styles have emerged as a form of expression in order to break free from social, political, economical, and artistic constraints. From a street dancer’s lens, Feras looks at the historical patterns where marginalised groups have been or are currently being silenced and excluded from spaces and how we respond by music and dance. How do we build a revolution through music and dance - consciously and collectively?
Part of Audible Edge: Organise
In a climate of rising censorship, board overreach, anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic racism, and in a general climate of suspicion towards art, what alternative spaces are required to maintain the cultures we want to participate in? The Organise session of the Night School invites hearing from artists and cultural workers listening across disciplines. It aims to gently offer an inspiring sense of sovereignty, a chance to eat together and think about the role of cultural spaces in creating contexts for sharing truth and practicing freedom.
This session is co-presented with STRUT Dance and The Blue Room Theatre.